Happy Thursday my Lovelies!!!

Its week 2 of the ORC and that means DEMO DAY!!!!!
Boy let me tell you, packing up a kitchen is no joke! As much as I tried to purge, by the end I was just throwing stuff into boxes. I’ll have to go through everything again when I unpack.
Ok let’s get down to the demo pictures!!!

They also started the electrical work and venting out the new hood this week. Once we opened up the walls I knew why the original owners never put in a vented hood……all the plumbing for the entire house is right behind the stove!!!!

So it was a bit more work to vent to the outside but we got it. Of course I forgot to get pictures of the exposed ceiling, but I have pictures of the patched sheetrock where you can see that they had to vent out the entire length of my living room!

That’s about it for this week! Get ready for cabinets in Week 3!!!!
And don’t forget to check out the other guest participants for the One Room Challenge here!